Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Monday, May 14, 2007

Employment Woes of the Rich and Famous

Sting and wife, Trudie Styler, are taken to task by a British employment law tribunal finding that they discriminated against Jane Martin, their chef, by firing her after she became pregnancy. See the LA Times Story, Sting, Wife Wrongly Fired Chef.

The problems appeared to be primarily between Styler and Martin, with the latter saying Styler had a "grandiose ego." At least the tribunal seemed to agree that Styler was at fault:

Although Styler "had tried to distance herself from various unlawful acts and have them carried out by minions on her behalf, when the evidence is looked at holistically, her involvement is clear.... She is without doubt the driving force manipulating others to perform her dirty work."

On June 8th the tribunal will determine the amount of the "substantial compensation award" the famous couple is facing.

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