Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Friday, February 24, 2006

Workplace Violence At (Literally) the NLRB

An NLRB unfair labor practice hearing was held hostage at the Phoenix office late yesterday, when George Curran, who had earlier filed a complaint with the agency, came to the office and grabbed a secretary at gun point and took her into a hearing room where an unrelated case was being heard. The 7 hour ordeal ended peacefully with no one harmed. See the story in the Arizona Republic, Hostage standoff ends peacefully.

Both George Curran and his wife had filed charges with the Board, which had been dismissed. According to the AP story, the Board agent who handled Curran's charge had been threatened by him.

The hearing involved the termination of two employees from Brighton Collectibles, an upscale women's clothing store in Scottsdale. The hostages, five men and four women, included four Board employees: a court reporter, the administrative law judge, Jay R. Pollack of Oakland, an attorney and a secretary.

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