Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Sunday, August 21, 2005

What Do Benefits Cost? Check Out the Latest Study

Released this month is a study funded by the Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy. The purpose:
This study examines the cost of the benefits that employers provide to their workers and how these costs vary with company size. It focuses on benefits that employers voluntarily provide: health insurance, private pension plans, paid vacation, and sick leave.
If you want to check out how your benefit costs stack up, check out Cost of Employee Benefits in Small and Large Businesses [pdf].

Thanks for the information. The survey on cost is particularly interesting because it provides a check and alternative to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimate of the value of an employer's fringe benefit package.

Interesting, in a number of instances it looks like the SBA survey suggest that cost of providing benefits is HIGHER than suggested by the BLS.

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