Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The AFL-CIO (at least the Convention) Splintering

According to Working Life which is on top of developments at the AFL-CIO's 50th (hardly golden) convention set to formally convene tomorrow, the UFCW, Teamsters, UNITE HERE and SEIU will not attend the convention.

For those political junkies who have bemoaned the lack of truly interesting national political conventions, this certainly is one hell of a story. On the other hand, it also represents an on-going story of the future direction of organized labor, one that is important for all of us regardless of our involvement in labor relations or which "side" of the issue we are aligned with. This really is an issue/event that the blogosphere is covering hands down better than the real media. Follow the developments at Jonathan Tasini's Working Life or the House of Labor, a collective blog of interested observers. Jonathan Barab at Confined Space, although not present (he never get's to go anywhere fun he says) has some other suggestions for those at Blogging from the AFL-CIO Convention.

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