Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Smokers Ok - But What About Those On the Heavy Side of Life

Thanks to a reader for a tip to the story on the CNN website, Quit smoking or quit your job, company says detailing the efforts of Howard Weyers owner of Weyco, Inc. a Michigan claims handling company. Now that he has dealt with smokers, Weyers is turning his attention to the overweight in his workforce.

But he is helping not just demanding, by bringing in an eating disorder therapist to speak to workers, provided eating coaches, has created a point system for employees to earn health-related $100 bonuses and plans to offer $45 vouchers for health club memberships. And recognizes that if you are obese, you might have a legally protected status. The 71 year old Weyers (and fit) also has a recommendation for fellow business owners caught up in the ever increasing cost of insurance:
Quit whining about health care costs and set some expectations; demand some things.
Interesting prescription. Stay tuned for more.

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