Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Congrats to George's Employment Blawg

Dennis Kennedy, a true luminary in the blogging world has handed out his 2004 Legal Blogging Awards and recognized George Lenard's blog as the runner up (to Marty Schwimmer's The Trademark Blog) in the Best Practice - Legal Specific Blog. See George's comment here, This Blawg wins coveted award. Congrats to George and all the other winners, including Dennis who selected himself, along with Tom Mighell (Inter Alia) as "Best Legal Blogging Expert." One might argue a little immodest, but not likely to find many who would disagree.

I must say the honor could have gone to many, many other excellent blogs, certainly including this one.

I'm George, of George's Employment Blawg, and I feel I've ceded some of the more legal-practice-specific ground to this blog, focusing more on HR practices and the bigger employment picture, particularly since Michael Harris joined me. I thus see us as running complementary blogs, much more than competitive ones.

This is a huge, fascinating, and ever-changing field, much bigger than any single blog can cover. Michael, you deserve an award too, especially given your longevity here.
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