Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Sex Discrimination is Sex Discrimination - The End of "Ladies Night" In New Jersey

For those who think that sometimes the law just goes too far, you may not agree with Professor Joanna Grossman's Findlaw essay on why the N.J. Director of Civil Rights was correct when he held that a bar violated the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination by having a night when women were admitted without a cover charge and served discounted drinks. The End of "Ladies' Night" in New Jersey. Hard to quarrel legally with the decision, and hard to create an exception that might not become a slippery, or at a minimum a costly litigated slope. Perhaps more proof that when we are forced to use laws to right wrongs, we have a relatively blunt instrument to work with. Thanks to my colleague Rose Jennings for the tip to the article.

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