Jottings By An Employer's Lawyer

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Electronic Communication of Policies Sufficient - No Need For Paper According to the 6th Cir.

Although the bulk of the opinion deals with when the "reasonable expectations" of an employee are sufficient to imply something other than an at will status under Michigan law (certainly not close here), the money quote in Mannix v. County of Monroe (6th Cir. 11/3/03) [pdf] for those who worry about whether posting policies on a computer network will be sufficient is as follows: "Uncontradicted evidence establishes that the County did provide reasonable notice, in that it undertook steps reasonably calculated to reach the affected employees. Considering the advancement and ubiquity of electronic corporate communications, we will not induce a return to older practices by imposing a paper receipt requirement." Amen.

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